Homura Inn

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In less than a week, we have climbed over 300 views. We started with 1.8k middle of last week I think, and now we're at 2.2k... (Edit: 2.4k!)

Thank you guys for reading, commenting, and voting! SO MUCH!

I think that comments, votes, and reads boost the algorithms because that's how most sites work. SO THANK YOU, GUYS! My notifications have been SO full lately, you guys know how to make a writer happy.

The. Best. Readers.

Off-topic, but... I have a heater on, but... It's a freeze up in here! It's a coldness! I can't even!


Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Nineteen

Personality; Happy, for the most part.

Status; Jounin

I smiled as Naruto ran to another stand, and sighed as Shisui grumbled something in response to what Naruto said before running off.

"Relax, Shisui. We'll be at an inn before you know it."

"Easy for you to say. He doesn't treat you like the gum on the bottom of his shoe."

I stopped, "Naruto didn't have parents-"

"I know. We've been over-"

"He didn't have parents, or anyone throughout his entire life up until we came into his life. He is disobedient to you because he recognizes that you are the most important person in my life, and he acts this way to get more attention, mine and yours. In other words, he's a mixture of jealous of you, and in need of your attention. He is a child, so he'll grow out of his jealousy... Will you?" I rose a brow as his face turned red. I pulled my arm from his and continued walking. "Naruto and I will be at the Homura inn if you need us."


Naruto and I walked to our room together. I made sure to inform the innkeeper to send Shisui our way when he arrived.

It was a big room, with four beds, which gave us each our own. The original idea was to give Naruto his own room, and Shisui and I would share, but as long as he kept the attitude, that wasn't going to happen, and he wouldn't be getting anything out of me.

"(Y/n)!" Naruto shouted, "Look! There's a pond!"

I stepped closer to the window, "Oh, that's cute, Naruto." It was a koi pond with a stream that led to a bigger koi pond. There was a wooden bridge across the center of the creek, and a meandering path through various flowers and plants.

"Let's go check it out!!" He ran to our right and shot out of the sliding door to the garden area. I smiled at his enthusiasm, following him out.

He stood on the bridge, overlooking the lower pond, "There are fish!"

"They're koi fish." I nodded.

"They're so pretty!" He grinned. I stopped beside him and looked down into the water with him.

"They are, aren't they?" I smiled as I watched them, "You know, you remind me of a koi fish..." I chuckled, knowing he would take that wrong.

"WHAT!? I'm way cuter than them!!!"

I laughed, "I don't mean physical similarities... you're smarter than anyone gives you credit for. That's what I mean."

"They're... smart?"

"Yes. Koi fish can be taught to jump out of the water. All fish have their own personalities. But koi are naturally inquisitive."

"Where'd you learn that?" He asked.

"Well, I used to read a lot of non-fiction before Shisui got new eyes. I did that while Shisui napped, or listened to the Tv."

"Oh... so you read about fish?"

I shrugged, "I read about anything."

"So... why do you think that I'm smart...?" His face shifted back toward the pond. "No one's ever called me smart..."

I turned his face toward mine, with a stern gaze, "Listen to me, Naruto. Self-doubt isn't a road you want to go down. There's no need for it anyway. You're going to be Hokage one day, and you'll have an entire village depending on you. Doubt only slows you down."

His eyes were wide and watery as he stared up at me. He nodded, wiping his eyes.


About an hour after Naruto and I got to our room, Shisui showed up.

Naruto was napping, and Shisui quietly walked in and shut the door softly, probably assuming that I was asleep as well, since I was faced away from the door, in a far bed.

I heard the nearly silent creaking of the mattress as Shisui laid down in the bed behind me. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and see that he was faced toward the ceiling.

His head turned toward me before mine turned away. My head fell back toward the window, and I heard his bed creak before feeling mine dip and squeak. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling me as close to him as possible.

"I love you, Hime..." He pecked my cheek.

I smiled, melting at his words again. I turned over in his arms, placing my hand against his cheek, "We never change."

He snorted, smiling, "Yeah, I guess history repeats itself..."

"Yeah... But no more cliffs. That's the end of that for both of us."


"Ew!! No one wants to see you cuddle!!" Naruto shouted as he ran over and pulled his hardest on Shisui's foot.

"Then don't look." Shisui said, pulling his foot from Naruto and tugging me closer.

I smirked as I pulled away from Shisui, "Why don't we play a card game?" I stood from the bed.

"Yeah!!" Naruto grinned, running to his backpack, "What one!?"

I looked at Shisui, who looked at me, to Naruto, and back to me with an unimpressed expression as if to say, 'Do we really have to play cards...?'

"Whichever one you want to play, Naruto." I answered.

I crossed my arms and rose a brow, 'Well, I guess you can leave.'

He sighed, "You know how to play Daifugo, kid?"

"Hehehehe! Of course, I do!" He grinned.

I smiled at Naruto, "Okay, who's dealing?"

Little did the three know, this was the beginning of something different.

Naruto and Shisui would grow closer throughout their vacation.

Even though there were certain to be a few unexpected bumps.

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