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I wrote this chapter while listening to this song. So I thought you'd like to hear it.

Shisui's P.O.V.

We left Shio Inn the next morning, and made it to Komugi, the Capitol of Udon no Kuni, by early afternoon. Naruto's ankle didn't seem to bother him much, as he was constantly running ahead and looking at different things.

I couldn't complain much... (Y/n) was on my arm and other than the occasional outburst from Naruto everything was peaceful.

Except, internally, I was panicking.

"Shisui? Are you alright? You haven't said a thing since shortly after we left the inn...?" (Y/n) asked.

My eyes slowly turned to her, "Everything's great! ...I'm just hungry..."

"Oh..." She pulled something from a pocket of her backpack, "I have a granola bar. You can have it." She smiled.

'Damnit, she's so cute, it's making it difficult to lie...' I took the granola bar, smiling, "Thank you, Hime..."

Entering Komugi, Naruto bounced around from stand to stand until he came across one of the ramen stands, which he immediately ran into.

We followed, (Y/n) laughing at his enthusiasm. It was weird, it hit me all at once, but... This was what I wanted. She turned to me, and I realized I stopped. 

"Is something wrong, Shisui? Why are you acting so weird?"

My eyes softened, "I love you, (Y/n)."

Her eyes widened, and her face reddened, and then she averted her eyes, "Such a cheese ball..."

"Let's go get some ramen, Hime." I intertwined my fingers with hers and we walked toward the ramen stand calmly. 'This is what I want out of life...'

We sat beside each other at the bar, and Naruto was on the other side of her. As we waited for our ramen, I took hold of her hand again, smiling in her direction. She smiled back, and everything seemed to stop. 

Something I've noticed about (Y/n)... since we were kids, she's always had complete control of me. She could say or do almost anything, and it wouldn't change how I feel about her. 'I don't think she even knows the extent of the leniency I have for her.'

The thought made me smirk, but I was pulled back to the real world as our bowls arrived. 

Naruto was already scarfing down his second bowl, and I chuckled, 'The kid really can wipe out some ramen...'


We decided to stay an extra day in Komugi. It was three days before Naruto's birthday, and he was getting really excited. I told (Y/n) to go relax at a hot spring or something, and I'd stay with Naruto.

Naruto and I were walking through Komugi, slowly, looking at the different buildings, stands, shops, and their content. But Naruto stopped, looking in a weapons shop. 

I stepped closer to the window, looking at what he was looking at. He was staring at a Shuriken set. "What's so fascinating about Shuriken?"

"Oh... I don't have any yet..." He smiled embarrassedly. 

It occurred to me that he only just began at the academy, just two weeks before we left, "Oh, right, you're a first-year..." I muttered. "Okay, then." I stepped away from the window, over to the door. "Let's go get it."

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