Broken Promises

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Sixteen

Personality; Becoming depressed, distant, cold

Status; Jounin

(Y/n) stared numbly across the waiting room, the trembling of her hands easily noticeable to anyone who walked by. She felt so immobilized by fear, stunned into silence. Itachi tried to talk to her, but she couldn't process what he'd said. 

She noticed his Mangekyou had been activated, and since he was in an emotional state, they stayed that way for the entire time they were in the waiting room. 

The waiting room.

In the hospital where they waited for an update on Shisuis' condition. She never liked hospitals- they smelled like bandages and rubber gloves, there were always families that were either silent or crying, and it was too eerily quiet aside from the beeping of monitors as you walked through the halls.

(Y/n) thought back to the events of the night, trying to process all of the information that she had collected, and accept it.

(Y/n) had felt Shisuis' unsteady chakra signature- which was during a fight with one of the village elders, Danzo, but she didn't know that yet -when she found him, he had given his remaining eye to Itachi and stepped backward, off of the cliff. Luckily, her affinity was water, and she broke his fall- to an extent -with one of her Jutsu, but he was still in pretty bad condition.

Itachi didn't see this at first, hence the Mangekyou that he now possessed. When they got him to the hospital, the nurses rolled him away to an O.R., and that's where they are now. (Y/n) with a crushing weight on her chest, and Itachi slumped in a chair across from hers.

Her mind couldn't stop returning to his promise. He had broken it. He had broken her heart. Her soul. Her mind. He had left her with only the ability to think about him. His face, smile, laugh, and warmth plagued her thoughts. 

She wondered if she would ever get to experience any of those things again, causing more tears to roll down her cheeks. Her lips let a choked sob, a shaky hand raising to cover her mouth. 

After a while- she didn't know how long, she would've guessed days -the doctor came out to inform the two of his condition. She hadn't heard exactly what was going on, she didn't know of the femur he broke, the three ribs, his broken wrist, and sprained ankle, or any of the internal damage. The only thing she heard out of the entirety of the medics' words were 'he's stable'.

With those two words, the weight of the world was lifted from (Y/n)s' shoulders. Her breathing finally evened out, her hands were still shaking but this was progress.

Just a few minutes later, Shisuis' mother ran through the door, seeing Itachi and (Y/n) immediately. She wrapped (Y/n) in a tight hug, tears rolling from her eyes as well. Once she released the younger female, she enveloped Itachi in a hug as well. 

"What's his status?" She asked, having released both young Shinobi.

"He's stable." Itachi answered, "He has three broken ribs, a broken femur, wrist, sprained ankle, and had some minor internal damage, which was repaired in surgery, but he's stable."

At this, Shisuis' mother sobbed uncontrollably, sitting down in one of the chairs. By now, it was past one a.m.

****Time Skip****

It had been two weeks since Shisui had jumped, and he had finally come-to. (Y/n) found that he was still the same loveable jerk he had been before, and it made her happy and angry at the same time. She loved him happy, but he had made light of the situation, and this situation wasn't one to be taken lightly. 

Itachi fessed up about what happened before Shisui woke up, so (Y/n) knew exactly what was going on, and she hadn't left the hospital since they got there, so there was no room for Danzos' goons to kill and silence Shisui while she wasn't looking. 

Sure, she probably needed a shower, but Shisui was alive, and that was all she cared about. She hadn't eaten much, other than what Itachi forced down her throat, but she wasn't hungry. Itachi was almost certain that she was losing weight, and he knew that she was hardly sleeping, aside from the few naps here and there.

She left the blinds closed so that no one could see in for the entire time, mostly Root ANBU. She knew that he couldn't be left alone anymore- ever. 

The day after the incident, Sandaime had asked what happened, and after the second time, Itachi folded, and the three decided it was best not to pursue it- Danzo has many capable Shinobi at his disposal, and that could cause a civil war in itself, which was exactly what they were trying so hard to prevent.

So Danzo would get off scot-free, which angered (Y/n) to no end, but she understood. Civil war would only mean more lives lost, most likely hers, Itachis' and Shisuis' first. 

But, back to when Shisui woke up.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Her eyes snapped up to the Uchiha in casts. How he knew she was there, she wasn't sure, but he did.

"Shisui!" She raised her hand to place on his cheek.

"I-I lived...?"

"Yes. Yes, you lived, you dummy!" Tears brimmed her eyes, she thought she may never hear his voice again. "You broke your promise, Shisui." She wiped her tears as they began to fall.

"I don't know how long I'll last like this (Y/n). This world is too dangerous for a blind former-Shinobi. I figured it was better that I give Itachi his- wait, did he-?"

"He has them. He didn't see me catch you with my Suiton at first, so he got them. When I called out to him and told him that I caught you, we rushed you here. You've been asleep for a week, Shisui."

"And Danzo hasn't killed me yet?"

"I've been here with you the whole time. He hasn't had the chance."

Shisuis' eyebrows furrowed, "Have you eaten?" He asked seriously.

"A little..."

"Go eat."


"(Y/n), how can you protect me when you haven't eaten? I bet you haven't slept much either, have you?"

"I'll eat when Itachi returns, okay? He's supposed to be by sometime this afternoon."

"I wish you would eat now, but I know you're too stubborn."

"You're right. I am. I already almost lost you, Shisui. I won't go through that again." He said nothing else at this, realizing he'd have to face her with the what he'd done- he'd broken her heart, he could hear it in her voice. He could also hear some defiance and anger there.

She was happy, and angry, and sad, all at once. 

This confused her, but she knew the anger had taken the majority of her feelings at the moment.

He wanted nothing more than to fix it, but he knew it would take time.

She wondered, however, if time could even fix this.

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