Moving In

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Sixteen

Personality; Happier, still down occasionally, but Shisui doesn't always give her the time.

Status; ANBU (Jounin at the end)

After that truthful day, Shisui had talked to the Hokage, told him what was going on with (Y/n), and although (Y/n) viewed him as a traitor for it, her feelings for him didn't falter. And Shisui had talked her into moving into an apartment with him.

They were sixteen, but many orphans had apartments- including Uzumaki Naruto.

He would've just moved into her apartment, but with the Uchiha clan, and all of their plans, he didn't think they would be pleased if he moved out of the compound. And he would've had her move in with him and his mother, but he knew that everything they liked was completely different, and somehow, they were exactly alike.

That was just asking for trouble.

Besides, he felt ready to live- well, not alone, but not with his mother. Sounds harsh, but he didn't hold any ill will toward her, he just felt ready.

They had finally got their bedroom situated- yes, one bedroom, Shisui insisted, trusting her alone wasn't on the table. Hence the shared apartment.

"Well, I guess we should work on the bathroom...or the living room? What do you think, Shisui?"

"Hmm. Bathroom, I guess." He shrugged, "I'll go find the boxes with the bathroom supplies and decorations."

(Y/n) smiled. "I'm hungry, I'm going to fix some cup ramen, you want some?"

He grinned back at her, "Sure, thanks."

She nodded, walked to the kitchen, and put a pot of water on the stove. Once it was boiling, she poured it into both cups, placing something on top of each to hold the steam in. She turned around to see Shisui grinning again. She raised an eyebrow.

He walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her. "You're so cute." He said, kissing her forehead. "I'm the luckiest guy ever."

"You're sweet." She said, laying her head against his shoulder. After a few minutes of just hugging, she let go, turning to stir the ramen. "Ramen's done, Shisui."

"Thank you, beautiful." He took the cup from her hand, and they both walked to the table.

They ate mostly in silence, and when they were finished, they went back to unpacking.


"OW! OW! OW!" (Y/n) shouted from the bathroom, when Shisui heard her fall and shout, he ran to the door of the bathroom.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Mmmmm...I twisted my ankle...I may have sprained it...I hurt my wrist, too."

"Okay, I'm coming in, I'll close my eyes, okay?" He walked in, hitai-ate covering his eyes, all the while (Y/n) was snickering. "Are you laughing at me?"

"I have a towel on, dummy. I slipped outside of the shower. Besides, you can't pick me up and haul me out of here without taking that off."

Shisui blushed. She was telling him he'd have to uncover his eyes and see her almost naked.
And she was right.

"Shisui, you've seen me in a bathing suit before, that doesn't cover as much as this." At this, he visually relaxed. "Besides, this really freaking hurts." She anime-cried.

"Oh, uh, right, sorry." He slid his headband up, and couldn't help but blush a little brighter, but he also couldn't keep his eyes off of her, either. He also noticed she had a small blush, and she looked adorable all wet. He walked over to her, and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to their room to place her on the bed.

Without words, he pulled some underwear and nightwear from her dresser, pulling the underwear up her legs beneath the towel, followed by her shorts. He placed the shirt over her head, pulling it down as she removed the towel. "You know, I could've managed to put clothes on."

"It looked like it would've been a struggle, and besides, I'm always here when you need me, okay, Hime?" She smiled lightly, nodding. He knelt in front of her, taking a look at her already swollen ankle. "It's probably sprained. We should get you to-"

"No! I mean, we can go, but I'm so tired...In the morning? Just get me some pain meds from the bathroom, I'll last a night." He gave her a disapproving look, but her pleading gaze didn't wither, and she knew she won when he sighed.

"Fine. We'll go first thing in the morning." He stood, picking her towel up and carrying it back to the bathroom, coming back with some pain pills. "Here you go, tough girl."

"Haha. Very funny." She said, taking the bottle from his hand.

After taking something, she laid down, and Shisui laid behind her, pulling her back into his chest. "What if I told you I loved you?"

"I would say 'I love you too, dummy'."

"Awe, you're so sweet." He said, sarcastically, but chuckled afterward.

She smiled, turning over to snuggle into his chest. They would soon fall asleep like that, cuddled close to each other and beyond happy to be in one anothers' arms.

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