Happily Ever After

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I keep meaning to draw a picture of Shisui with hazel eyes, I just keep forgetting. I have a few other things I'm working on right now (Writing and drawing) but I'll try to draw a picture of him before the final chap. If I don't have one before then, I might add a bonus chap when I get the time.

Also! This isn't the last chapter, this is just the beginning of the end!

It was now October 18th. So, they were late to getting back, but they sent a letter to the Hokage to inform him that they would be running late due to circumstances out of their control.

Naruto was asleep, and both (Y/n) and Shisui were sitting on the beach watching the sun go down, hand in hand.

"What a strange few weeks this has been..." Shisui said.

(Y/n) laid her head against his shoulder, "It's been over a month for me."

"Right... Like I said," He laid his head against hers, "Strange."

"Can't deny that."

"I'm so glad you're okay, Hime." They lifted their heads, turning to look at each other. "I couldn't live without you." He muttered. 

"I... couldn't live without you, either, Shisui..."

He smiled lightly, and annoyingly, his hazel eyes moving from her lips to her eyes, "Well, that's no surprise."

She rolled her eyes and the two laughed together, at each other, and at everything. This stupid vacation, the fact that they would probably be a day late to get back to Konoha, the crazy way that everything worked out for the two. 

It wasn't long, and they both stood to go back to their campsite, but Shisui stayed where he stood, holding onto her hand, and she turned back to look at him, raising a brow. He was blushing and grinning. 


He stepped toward her, kissing her forehead as his arms wrapped around her, " I love you, Hime. I know I say it constantly, but I do." He pulled her back toward the ocean, just a few feet from the edge of the water. 

Her face turned to one of surprise as he kneeled in front of her and pulled out a small box. They were both blushing, and both nervous, her left hand in his right hand and his right holding up the opened ring box.

"(Y/n)... You are everything to me. I've loved you since we were kids, and probably before I realized it myself. We've been through thick and thin in the last two-weeks-slash-month..." She chuckled, beginning to tear up, "I want to share the rest of my life with you... Hime, will you marry me?"

She nodded vigorously, her tears spilling down her cheeks, "Yes, of course, I'll marry you, dummy..."

He grinned, his blush growing a little as he placed the ring on her finger. He stood, and kissed her immediately, her hands on either side of his neck as his hands rested against her sides. They pulled away smiling at each other, before he picked her up bridal style, and swung her around, to which she laughed.

She laid her head against his shoulder as he carried her back toward the camp, "I love you so much, Shisui." He could hear in her voice that she was tired, and smiled in response, pecking her temple.

"I love you too, Hime."


It was going to be their final day of traveling. They camped just after passing Keishi and awoke the next morning. They were right, they are a day late. (Y/n) looked down into her coffee cup, 'I really should stop drinking this stuff...' She contemplated pouring it out, 'But not right now.' She took another sip.

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