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Maybe I should've left well enough alone, but it isn't who I am.

Bearable Authors Note:

Hey, guys! I just thought I should let you know again how awesome you are!

I have a fairly new story out, it's a Kakashi x reader story, and it's kind of weird because every other chapter is an author's note with tips on writing your own story.

Similar to this one, Kakashi starts as a brotherly figure to Reader-sama, along with being her Sensei, and there's no romancy-stuff until Reader-sama is twentyish.

As a young teen, I was extremely creative and totally emo, and antisocial, and as a result, I'm now super awkward. 😬🙃

But, my point is, I want to be helpful to other teens who want to write. My advice may not be great, or much, but it's free, and it's all I've got. 🤷‍♀️

It's also part of a multi-series I'm doing, with multiple other love stories of characters (Which won't have a bunch of author's notes) from the Naruto series. And not necessarily from that same time or place.

And, yes, it's connected to this story, but most of it takes place later or earlier (the series).

Anyway... if you haven't, please check it out, even if you skip the author's notes. The chapters are titled chap for ease of navigation.

Anyway, I should stop talking now. So I will.

And thanks so much for the love on this story!
Just gonna drop that there...

Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Eighteen Nineteen.

Personality; Happy, for the most part.

Status; Jounin

Shisui, Naruto, and I were back on the road again, heading toward Udon no Kuni. Shisui was trying his hardest to be more patient, but he was overall irritated.

"So where are we stopping next?" Naruto placed his hands behind his head as he walked.

"We're camping, probably, on the outskirts of Udon no Kuni. We won't have time before sundown to make it to a town."

"But I didn't bring a sleeping bag."

I sighed, "I figured as much. I brought one for you." It was noon, so it'd be a while before he needed it. But it was sealed inside of a scroll. I didn't usually carry much in scrolls, because it took a lot of Chakra, but we weren't on a mission, so I wasn't worried about it.

"You did?" His eyes lit up and he grinned, "Thanks!"

Shisui said nothing about the exchange and didn't seem overly grumpy about it, but he was watching, I noticed. I smiled at him. He was walking to the right of me, and Naruto to my left. I placed my hand in his and he closed his eyes as his lips turned up into a soft smile.

I heard a thud, and looked to my left to see Naruto on the ground, "OW! OW! OOOOW!" He held his ankle, his face red as tears gathered in his eyes.

"Naruto, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling beside him.

Broken Pieces [Shisui x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang