The Jounin Brat

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Fourteen

Personality; Stoic.

Status; Root ANBU, but goes on missions with her team occasionally.

(Y/n) had accepted a mission with her old team. It was simple, they were taking information to a village in a neighboring country.

As they traveled, Hiroki spoke up, his happy nature showing clearly through his words, "So I've been doing some solo missions since I've become a Jounin! How about you, (Y/n)? What kind of missions are you doing these days?" He was blushing as he glanced at her.

His words annoyed her, but she responded, "Assassinations."

"Oh, uh that's uh...that's a little scary..."

Yes, she was aware of his crush on her. Did she act like it?

Of course not.

She wasn't interested in that at the moment. She was a Shinobi, who didn't believe she had time for that.

Not to mention, people she cared for seemed to always die.

"How about you, Aiko? What have you been doing?" Hiroki asked.

"Mostly just helping out at the hospital." He smiled.

"So you're saving lives, and our teammate is taking them. That's kinda funny."

Aiko gave him a weird look but didn't say anything.

After a while of traveling, a Ninja showed himself, 

"We want that information in that scroll." He stepped closer, another jumped out of the tree. "Hand it over, and no one gets hurt."

"Not on your life." (Y/n) replied.

The teams' Sensei stepped forward, "Why don't you fellows get out of here? You're outnumbered."

"Nah. We ain't." Three others jumped down, "Actually, you are."

Both groups began fighting, after Yasu trying to talk them down. 

The fight went on, Yasu and (Y/n) fighting against three different Ninja at once, while Akio took one and Hiroki took on another. 

The sound of fighting could be heard through the surrounding forest, metallic clangs, and the thud of feet against the dry ground filling the air around them as they fought.

(Y/n) slashed at one, her Tanto making contact with his right shoulder, feeling the blade tear through flesh as she swung it, the blood splatting out and blotting the ground beneath him. He grunted as he distanced himself.

Another attacked her, but she dodged, blocking the next attack, and making a counter-attack of her own, which he narrowly dodged.

"You're not bad for your age, kid."

She said nothing, instead, going for another attack. Her blade swung down and tore through his chest, leaving a deep cut from his right shoulder to his left side. She jumped back as he attempted a counter-attack. 

The one whose shoulder had been cut was attacking Yasu, with another. 

Yasu threw a barrage of kunai, which the injured one dodged, the other one getting hit by one, it landing in his leg. As Yasu went to attack the one with the injured leg, he jumped away, the other appearing behind her and slicing her right arm. She jumped away, holding the fresh wound as she watched the two carefully, calculating the situation.

Broken Pieces [Shisui x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora