Bonus Chapter! 6K! (Well, 7K, now, eheh...)

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OOOOH! We hit another milestone, peoples! Thank you guys so much, for all of the reads, votes, and comments!

I started this when we hit 6K, but I'm only just finishing it now, at, like, 7.6K, or something!

This makes me super, super happy, guys!

I've said it before, I will say it so many more times, you guys are the coolest readers!

So I thought I'd celebrate this with another Bonus Chapter. 😘

I kind of wanted to tie this story into The Reader & The Writer and Outrunning Karma (+ some other stories) a bit better, so yeah, this is set a few years later, during the time of The Reader & The Writer Vol. 2, and Outrunning Karma Vol. 2. So there may be slight spoilers depending on what you've read, be warned.

Actually, if you plan on reading The Reader & The Writer, I recommend reading all of that, first. But, if not, or if you just want to read it anyway, go right on ahead...


Uchiha (Y/n), and Chiba Michiko


Twenty-Eight (technically)


(Y/n) is happy, mature, and kind
Michiko is generally happy, immature, and sometimes a bit quick to speak. And often quite mischievous.




(Y/n) is a Jonin
Michiko is a Chunin

"(Y/n)!" Shisui shouted as his wife rushed to Michiko's aid, not seeing that the enemy ninja was above her. Her eyes turned up, widening as the Akatsuki member barreled toward her, lightning surrounding her body.

It felt to (Y/n) as if it were happening in slow-motion- as if this was really it.

Shisui was barely fast enough to shove his wife out of the way, tumbling to the ground with her, but not completely clear of the lightning. The two shouted as over a hundred million volts traveled through their bodies, still midair, only for them to land harshly against the ground.

Despite her injuries, Michiko attacked Akami- one of the Akatsuki members who they were fighting -Kakashi racing to help. Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened as the other one, Tobi, slipped right through Naruto, to get to Michiko.

He approached her from the right, and her eyes widened as her head turned toward the warnings of Sakura, just in time to see a gloved hand less than a foot from her face. Kakashi rammed his Chidori into Tobi's right shoulder from the front, just before Tobi's left hand had the chance to make contact with Michiko's face, knocking him away before he had the opportunity to kidnap her again.

Naruto blocked an attack on (Y/n) and Shisui from Akami, who quickly jumped away. Both were now drained of energy, and sore, but alive. Tobi jumped back, detaching the remainder of his arm, as most of it had been blown apart. Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw the white arm drop to the ground, Tobi not even flinching.

Kakashi's eyes softened as he looked back at Michiko, who was terrified, "Michiko. Calm down, I'm not going to let him take you."

"No bother..." Tobi said, his voice deeper now, "We're leaving... For now." Akami easily evaded another of Naruto's attacks, before appearing beside Tobi.
'I can't win this fight... Even with Akami here.'

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