Night Terrors

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Seventeen

Personality; Depressed, distant, cold

Status; Shisuis' caretaker (Still Jounin, but not active.)

Shisui listened as (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably. "You okay?" He asked.

She murmured something incoherent, and he determined she was moving in her sleep, probably dreaming.

Soon enough, sleep took him away as well, but he didn't expect to be woken up thirty minutes later.

(Y/n)s' P.O.V.

I ran through the village, the sky filled with dark clouds and the buildings in ruin.

The smell of smoke and iron had invaded my senses, my feet hitting the ground leaving a distinct tap against the dry dirt road as my breathing became heavier.

What was happening?

Why was I panicking?

How did I get there?

I did notice one thing.

This village wasn't Konoha.

My eyes darted around, looking for anyone that could help me understand the situation.

In the distance, I could see a figure faced away from me.

The woman had brown hair, tied into a high ponytail. She was a Ninja, that was clear enough by her attire.

I continued to run, calling out to the woman. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I called, still running but it seemed my trek was never-ending.

Suddenly, I was right behind her, but we were in a different place now; On the Hokage monument.

She turned to face me, and my eyes grew wide, "Did you need something?"

Her eyes were a deep, dark black, no whites as she smiled a sickeningly sweet smile that instantly made my stomach turn.

Other than that, I knew exactly who this was supposed to be, despite her older appearance- making her seem like she hadn't died to begin with.

"N-Nee-san...?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Her smile dropped, her now scowling as she stared at me, or through me, it seemed. "You're not my sister. You let me die. You deserve the same...He won't save you this time." In the blink of an eye, I was pushed, I was falling.

I was falling off of the Hokage monument, just as I almost did seven years ago when Shisui caught me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for impact, but it never came.

I heard laughing and a gentle breeze across my skin. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a living room, the window beside me open as I sat on a couch.

I looked up to see a blonde kid tearing through a present.


He was smiling and laughing, and there was other laughter that filled the room.

I looked to the side to see the source of the other voices, my heart broke at the sight. Minato and Kushina stood together, hugging as they watched their son open gifts.

"Do you like your birthday present, Naruto?" Minato asked.

"I love it!" He giggled, showing a goofy grin.

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