Baby Uchiha

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Name; Uchiha (Y/n)

Age; Twenty (Twenty-one by the end...)

Personality; Cheerful as can be!

Status; Jounin

Shisui grinned at (Y/n) as they over-looked the Sakura trees. She smiled back, placing her chin on his shoulder, "I don't ever want this moment to end..."

"Me either..." He responded, kissing her forehead.

This was the day after their wedding. They were both so happy, and nothing could make the moment better.


"Kenta!!!" (Y/n) shouted, "Don't lick my ankle!!" The dog whined, "Oh, I'm sorry, buddy!" She kneeled next to him, "I just don-"

He licked her cheek, leaving a large trail of slobber. Shisui laughed from the doorway of the kitchen, "You just don't understand him like I do." He grinned.

"Oh, shut up..." She grumbled.

Their heads turned toward the door of their home as it opened. Naruto came in, a glum expression, "Hey buddy..." Shisui said as he walked over to them.

Shisui and (Y/n) had been worried about Naruto lately. He was very down, and they couldn't do anything to cheer him back up.

"How are you, Naruto?"

"I'm... Okay..." His small hand slid through Kenta's soft fur as the dog greeted him.

"How is she...?" (Y/n) asked, standing up.

"She turned fifteen today..." He muttered, "I was hoping she'd be awake by now..."

The girl in question was Kakashi's student and Naruto's best friend. Her name was Sato Michiko.

Michiko had been in a coma for over four months, after being kidnapped and dehydrated, and nearly dying. (Y/n) and Shisui had tried to get Kakashi to talk about it, but he wouldn't budge, insisting he was okay, and for Naruto, if anyone uttered her name, his mood would instantly drop.

Neither of them knew what to do to help him.

"Kenji, Daisuke, and I went out for ramen to celebrate for her, but... It wasn't the same." He sat down on the couch.

Shisui sat down beside him, "Naruto... I know this isn't easy. I know that it hurts you to see her this way, but..."

"But you need to keep up hope." (Y/n) kneeled in front of him, "You can't give up on her. She hasn't given up."

"What do you mean...?"

"She didn't die all of those months ago. She fought for her life, that has to mean she isn't quite ready to give up yet. You can't ever lose confidence in her."

Naruto's big blues turned up to (Y/n), "You're right..." His fists clenched, "I won't give up on her. She's my best friend..."


(Sasuke is eleven now, maybe explains the tude...)

For the last few months, Shisui's been trying to get through to Sasuke more and more, but Sasuke wouldn't have it.

It got to the point that young Sasuke would flip Shisui off and walk away. At that point, Shisui decided it was time to teach the kid a lesson.

"You know what, kid... If you're deadset on cutting all ties, because of him... If you really think that it will help you to get revenge and be alone... You've got another thing coming. You won't get to any point easily without help. And you probably won't take Uchiha Itachi down without help... And even if you do, it won't bring you any happiness."

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