My Business

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Fifteen

Personality; Very depressed, cold, and distant to hide it.

Status; Black Ops ANBU

"Hokage-sama, may I speak with you, please?" Shisui asked.

Hiruzen looked up from the scroll on his desk, smiling kindly at the young Shinobi, "Yes, what is it?"

"It's (Y/n). I think she's slipping into a dark place. She's been doing so many missions lately, mostly assassinations, I'm sure, though she hasn't told me. She will hardly talk to me anymore. I'm worried for her mental health, Sandaime-sama."

"I see. She's been doing well in her missions, I haven't seen any indications that she was distracted. I'll have another ANBU join her on her next mission, to be sure she's alright. I could send you if you'd like?" Shisuis' ears perked up at the question.

"Yes." He answered- he thought -a little too quickly. The older male just chuckled.

"Okay, pay attention, make an assessment, and tell me if anything is wrong. It's late, meet me here tomorrow for the details of your mission. I'll send for her then."

"Probably a good idea. I would get her, but I don't think she'll answer the door for me." Shisui sighed. [1]

Hiruzen nodded. 

With that, Shisui left, after bowing.


So (Y/n) and Shisui had set out on their mission an hour ago. She hadn't uttered a word the whole time, and he was beginning to get tired of it.

It was going to be a long week if she was going to act like this. 'What did the ANBU do to my best friend?' He wondered. The ANBU hadn't affected him like this- it didn't affect Itachi like this either. 

He deduced that it must have been something else that was bothering her- nothing to do with the ANBU. Unless it was some of the ANBU members themselves, but he doubted that. He was in the ANBU, and he personally knew most of the members that she worked closely with. She wasn't a super social person to begin with, that he knew, but she wasn't downright rude either.

"(Y/n)." Shisuis' voice was stern, unforgiving as he stopped, and she stopped to look back at him.

"That's not my code name, Daiki."

"Sorry, Yua," He crossed his arms, his tone somewhat sarcastic. Sure, they were on a mission, but he had Sharingan, and she was a capable sensor. "Why are you so cold and distant lately? We haven't hung out for two months, and haven't talked for over a month."

"I'm in the ANBU, Daiki. We tend to be cold and distant. Shouldn't you know this?"

"You don't have to be cold and distant in the village. It's understandable that you are when you're on missions, but not at home. Not with me." He kept his stern gaze, although, behind a mask, arms still crossed.

"Why do you care anyway? Is it because you have a need to protect me? Is it because I'm a...little girl? That's what you called me, right?"

Shisui stiffened. He knew what she was talking about, though it was from almost a year ago, and he didn't understand why it had affected her now. "That-That's not how I- I was trying to get him to back off. He was going to kill you, (Y/n). If Kakashi hadn't got there in time-"

"Yes, right. Because I'm such a kid that I can't protect myself without the help of a man. Oh, wait, you're not a man. You're a little boy, parading around in a mask, just like I'm the little girl doing the same thing." She still showed no emotions, even though her face was covered by a mask, and it wouldn't matter anyhow. Her tone was flat, uncaring, and Shisui was annoyed with her attitude- or... lack of one.

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