Chapter 1

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 Toni was curled at the foot of the dining room table, her cheek pressed up against the sticky laminate flooring. She wasn't sure how long she had been there or when her foster mom, Carol, finally grew tired of repeatedly kicking her in the stomach. When she eventually opened her senses to the world once again, the distinct smell of cigarette smoke and fake laughter echoing from the television indicated that Toni could slip out the front door and head to school without Carol causing her to be later than she already was.

  Some things never change.

  This was her 8th foster home in 9 years, each one was pretty much just as bad as the last. Foster parents like Carol, however, were worst. Foster homes which indicated that the owners had money were always a double-edged sword. They were either lovely, something Toni had only experienced once, or they were sick people who got of on asserting their power over a minor. Her current placement was the latter. Again.

  Toni stepped outside, still shaking from her encounter with Carol. This was exacerbated by the heavy snow falling from the sky.

  "Fuck," Toni muttered to herself. In the state she had left the house in it was a wonder that she had managed to grab her school bag. Her teeth and hair were not brushed, Her clothes were the hoodie and jeans she had left on the floor from the previous day, and her coat was hanging on the hook in the lounge.

  There was no way she was going back in there. With shaky, numb hands, she reached for her phone and dialled the only person she knew would answer immediately.

  After three rings music blared through the line. A muffled sound was emitted through the speaker before the music was muted. "Sorry about that. Hey Toni!" Hearing Martha's voice immediately made her feel better. Mentally, that is, nausea was still swirling in stomach after her beating.

  "Martha! I am so sorry but I need a favour." She braced herself to lie to her best friend, again. "My foster mum is not well and I would really appreciate a ride because I left my coat at Dot's house when I studied there last night."

  At least the part about studying at Dot's was not a lie. It was, however, the reason for her beating this morning. Ever since Carol found out that Toni was gay, any time she stayed out past 10 her foster mom assumed she was defiling some poor straight girl. Carol wasn't the most homophobic foster parent she'd had, but she was certainly the most inventive in terms of excuses to beat her foster child. Toni didn't even think she cared that she was gay, it just gave Carol a good reason to take a power trip.

  After a view seconds of silence Toni began to worry that Martha would say no. An hour walk in a snow storm with no coat and a potentially broken rib was not ideal, she thought, but she was sure she could manage. She had been through worse, and she wasn't dead yet. Just as she mentally prepared herself for the cold trek, Martha spoke up, "I mean... Of course I'll give you a lift." Toni sighed in relief, wincing as a sharp pain reverberated in her chest. Martha continued, "But, she's been sick nearly every other day this month. I'm wondering if she should see someone. Should she be caring for minors? Or is there something you're not telling me?"

  "No, no, no!" Toni nearly yelled, quickly lowering her voice remembering that she was still standing just outside of Carol's house. "It's nothing like that, she's just having a bad month. If there was anything going on I'd tell you." She cringed at her lie.

  "I know you would," Martha concurred, making Toni feel worse. "I'm just around the corner, I'll see you in a minute."

  "Okay," Toni muttered, guilt rippling through her body. Or maybe it was just nausea. She quickly hung up and staggered down the porch step leaning into a bush and the end of the front yard. She gagged a few times before finally vomiting a small amount of bile and alarmingly, blood into Carol's rose bush. Every retch sent an electric shock of pain through her ribs. Tears sprung to her eyes and she fell to her knees, wrapping her arms around her chest. After a few shallow breaths she stood, wiped her mouth and rubbed the tears out of her eyes. Luckily it was cold so her red eyes would likely blend in with her red cheeks.

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