The Unexepted Hero

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(January 10 2021)

I was walking through my small town, when I suddenly came across one of my cats, Charlie. I knew he liked to wander, but I didn't think he'd go as far as he did. Luckily, I had a leash and collar in my purse, so I put them on him, and he didn't seem to mind. So there I was, walking my 9 year old cat like he was a dog back home. I decided to take a detour on the way home, so I was walking near the ocean. Charlie suddenly got all tense, and started running towards the ocean. I followed him, but as I got to the water, I didn't even get the chance to look around before I was abruptly dragged under the surface. It took me to struggle a little before I got back up. I turned around to see what possibly pulled me under, and that's when I saw the event that made Charlie rush over. There was a beached orca. Two other people were trying to push the orca back into the water, with a seal apparently trying to do the same. I think the orca was trying to get extra help, so they pulled me in the water to possibly help them. I took a closer look, and I noticed that there was another person trapped underwater, a portion of his body was under the orca, so he was at risk of drowning, and the orca was at risk of drying out. I immediately dropped Charlie's leash, and rushed to help. At this time, Charlie decided to complete the trip back home by himself, he knows the way, so it's not like I was worried. With some effort, we managed to get the orca back into the water, and rescue the man. The orca and seal swam off, when we suddenly heard cheering behind us. A dozen people formed a crowd, and were cheering for me, and the two other people that I helped save their friend. They called us "Heroes", and we quickly became town celebrities for our heroic acts. After the rest of the day involved people doing the same as the crowd from earlier, we were invited to a private dinner in a separate dinning room in a somewhat fancy restaurant. The food was good, and the service was excellent. Most of the food was that of Mexican cuisine, that's probably what I get for watching the Mexican comedian Fluffy before bed, he was cool, I liked him. Anyways, we got a chance to meet the family of the man we helped save, and they were super nice, thanking us like we were angels.

I don't remember anything else, but yeah, that's the most interesting dream I had in a while.

Anyways, here is a picture of Charlie himself, he doesn't show himself much due to his shyness, but he is a good kitty.

He's at 9 years old as of writing this, but he still acts like a kitten sometimes

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He's at 9 years old as of writing this, but he still acts like a kitten sometimes. His personality would be that of a moody teenager. He can be in a really good mood, and be loving as ever, or he can be cranky, and hiss at everything. He doesn't get puffed up or turns his ears backwards like normal cats when he does so, it's like he just constantly flips off everyone when he's having a rough day. I think the last time I saw him, he hissed at me four separate times. Also, he has a unique meow. It's high pitched, and kind of scratchy. Some people have asked me if something was wrong with him, but we had Charlie and his biological brother since they were kittens, and he has always meowed like that. He is also a bit of a ninja, going stealth to get through the cat door, and he doesn't announce himself when he comes in, unlike his brother.

His brother, Chester, is a lot more social, so I see him more often. He kind of sees himself as a king of some sort that constantly needs service, even if it's at four in the morning, and he has a normal sounding meow, he can even say "hello" sometimes. He may look innocent, but he has gotten into more trouble than Charlie.

Both of our cats chose to be outdoor kitties, they can come in and out of the house whenever they please through the pet door, Chester is often seen inside during the colder seasons, where Charlie usually comes in late at night

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Both of our cats chose to be outdoor kitties, they can come in and out of the house whenever they please through the pet door, Chester is often seen inside during the colder seasons, where Charlie usually comes in late at night.

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