Creepy Doll in The Driveway

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I was just in my room, minding my own business. I suddenly heard a bunch of high pitched screaming from outside. I put on my shoes and bolted out to see what was happening. It was someone across the street, who was my neighbour in the dream, but not in real life. Anyway, this guy had climbed onto his own fence and was screaming like a mad man. I asked him what was wrong, and he pointed at something behind me. Walking down the driveway, was a female antique doll with long blonde hair wearing a pink dress with a blue apron. It looked like something from a Chucky movie. It even had a nutcracker-like mouth to top it all off. I went over to the white truck next to me and dug around in the canopy to see if I can find anything to fend off this thing. I ended up pulling out a recorder that was painted gold, and nearly broken in half, literally hanging by a thread. Worst of all, it was made from that crappy flimsy dollar store plastic. I knew this wouldn't do anything good for defence, so my twisted brain came up with a weird idea. As soon as the doll was a foot away from me, I bent down to it and showed it the recorder, then said in a seductive voice:

"This was up my butt once."

The doll looked at me and let out a horrific shriek before running back to my house. I grabbed a proper weapon from the truck and chased after the doll. I should've seen my "neighbour's" face, I kind of regret not looking back at him now. I caught up to the doll just as it was entering the basement. I showed it the recorder again, along with the weapon I was planning to possibly beat the crap out of it with. The doll didn't fall for my stupid trick anymore.

It said: "Meh." Before leaning over and biting my hand. I immediately swung my head up and screamed like it was something from Tom and Jerry. I even woke up with a yelp.

Yeah, I know my dreams are really weird...

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