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(Had this one a while back, but it's still memorable)

It began with me playing the piano, and no, I don't even know how to play that thing, but I did here. While playing, I could hear multiple male voices behind me complimenting my music skills, and some were asking me to marry them. When the voices died down, I stopped playing and turned around, where only one of the guys from earlier remained. The guy started telling me how good I was, and that he loved me. He was clearly trying to flirt with his words, but I wasn't interested. Suddenly, this girl comes of of nowhere, and screams at us for cheating on her. Apparently that dude had a girlfriend and didn't even care.

The girl went full on yandere mode and began chasing me with a butcher knife. For some reason, I wasn't scared at all as I knew this was a dream from the start, how else would I be able to play the piano? I had two pairs of sunglasses in my pocket, so I grabbed one and threw it out of a couple automatic doors, which worked on the yandere as she bolted outside while I kept running. Having escaped that with such a method, I was feeling proud of myself, shortly before I woke up.

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