My Birthday Dream

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(This was the day before my birthday, which is December 7)

I remember purchasing something for myself on my birthday, but it's not what you would expect. It was a dollhouse-like haunted mansion, it was about 3'5 feet tall. It had a lot of dark colours, like grey and black. It even had some wooden features in it. Only complaint I had was that it had too many doors. However, I didn't mind it too much. The set even came with a posable figure of Cartoon Cat, not sure why him of all people but ok lol.

I remember playing with the dollhouse at home like a little kid, making my other figures run around the place and hide while Cartoon Cat looked for them.

(And before you assume I'm like 12, I'm not. As of writing this, I will turn 18 tomorrow. I don't usually reveal my age, but I feel like it's needed for context lol)

The dream was so vivid, so I actually thought it was real. At one point, I don't know how, but I actually ended up inside the dollhouse. I remember walking through, only to get to the dining room, where Cartoon Cat was serving meals to some normal cats sitting at the table. Being the friendly idiot that I was, I said "Hi!" to them. The cat guests noticed me, but didn't do anything. Cartoon Cat barley even acknowledged me, even when I was in direct line of sight, guess he wasn't interested.

When I woke up, I was sad because I never had the dollhouse and it probably doesn't even exist.

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