Meeting Maho Girls Precure

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My grandma was helping me with delivering newspapers, but I didn't realize that I delivered half of my papers to the wrong route until it was too late. Apparently, my grandma accidentally dropped me off at the wrong area. I was very upset. A while later, we were headed to a building where I peeked in the entrance, and saw what I thought was part of the Precure Store in Japan. I was hype, but when I got there, it was just an empty space. Feeling depressed, I headed up some old stairs, where I entered this one room that had two beds. On one bed, one of my friends was sitting next to Cure Miracle, but they weren't interacting. I could tell that they were both sad like me, so I sat down on the other bed, where I saw Cure Magical next to me. She looked quite depressed as well, she said nothing to me, and I wasn't sure if she would want to talk, so I didn't say anything. I looked at her a few times, but she didn't glance at me once. I woke up after a few minutes of this, but it was some dream.

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