My Arch Nemesis...

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(Christmas break ends tomorrow aaaaa—)

The earliest dream I can remember, would have to be when I was only 1 or 2, maybe 3. Anyway, being the little baby I was, I watched Baby Einstein, and absolutely adored it. I loved everything about it, except... one, puppet... it looked like if Yoshi was on a hangover, a dangerous amount of sugar, weed, and acid all at the same time.

I look back on this thing now, and I blame it for ruining an otherwise pleasant experience for me, I couldn't even stand to look at that thing, I would have to leave the room until it was gone.

And I had this dream more than once, but not anymore obviously.

Anyways, the dream would start out with my lying in bed. I would look over to my blinds, which were just a single pull down sheet-like curtain. Footage of grass would play on the curtain like a projector, before the Yoshi crackhead mf would run to the centre of the screen, it's appearance would be slightly mutated, it would stare right at me, before making that STUPID RIDICULOUS NOISE THAT SCARED ME, before running off the screen. Sometimes, children's laughter would be heard at this time. I would always wake up sobbing.

So, now I want to press charges on this little s**t for scaring baby me half to death!

Look at this, y'all were afraid of the walrus from Pingu and Happy Tree Friends as kids, but you haven't seen the real monsters of this world...

If I ever see this thing... No, those are not the right words... IF I EVER SEE THIS MOTHER FU—

*Aggressively drinks shot of cranberry juice and slams empty shot glass onto table, breaking it*

If I ever happen to see that muppet in person, it's gonna be doomsday when he meets my laundry dryer...

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