A Tape Measure Told Me...

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(This dream happened when I was younger than twelve years old, so I may not remember every detail)

I remember waking up in some sort of game/arcade area, but it had more physical activities, it had more ball pits and basketball hoops than video games, as they were very few arcade machines there. There was one section that caught my eye, which had a large sign on the entrance of the section that displayed, "12+".

In the section, I saw a girl that was about eighteen playing a cool looking arcade machine. I really wanted to go in, but the thing that made me remember this dream happened. On the side of the machine, a pink and purple tape measure with eyes was displayed, and he actually turned and started talking to me in a high pitched male voice. (If you recognize the tape measure in the pic, it's means we watched the same show in our childhood) I don't remember every word he was saying, but he was basically telling me,

"Sorry, you can't come in here, come back when you're twelve." Or something like that anyway, but he was not as rude as that phrase sounds.

Back then, I used to think that you could do whatever you wanted when you were twelve, and I would look up to anyone that was that age at the time. But I've changed since then, as that was years ago. Yet I still remember the fact that a tape measure, of all things, told me to buzz off because I wasn't old enough XD

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