King Boo's Dinnertime

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(This is probably the weirdest dream I can remember from my childhood, ok, it's really weird...)

I remember going outside my room, only to find myself in a different area. There was a small house nearby. Before I got closer, Jessie and James from Team Rocket were already there checking out the house. (For some reason, Meowth was nowhere in this dream even though he's my favourite out of the three of them) I don't remember Jessie doing anything else other than just existing in my dream. There was a small sign on the door, which James read out loud, sounding just as confused as I was.

"The teapot!?"

An image flashed before me that showed King Boo and his other boos sitting down for dinner. Team Rocket didn't notice me, as they left soon after reading the sign. I went over to the house where a boo came out to check the sign at that same time. It noticed me and immediately invited me inside, to which my tiny walnut brain didn't think much of it, and I went inside.

In there, I saw a bunch of boos with King Boo, setting the table for dinner, and they were delighted to see me. Apparently, the sign outside that said "The teapot", actually meant, "We're having dinner, don't disturb us!"

I don't remember anything else, but I never got to eat with them. TwT

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