Rose (Arachnophobia Warning!)

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(Dream happened during July 2020)

Somewhere in our house, we found a massive spider just hiding out. Found out it was a lady. She was probably bigger than the spiders you'd find in Australia. She'd just barley fit in both of your hands. We weren't exactly sure what to do with her, so me and my brother kinda went: "Let's keep her as a pet until we can find a professional."

She was chill as ever, didn't get aggressive, just sat wherever we put her. We were even looking around the house for an aquarium to put her in. I think my mom was too scared to go near her.

Strange thing is, I'm not scared of spiders, like at all, I actually think they're kinda cute. I know when to be cautious around potentially dangerous spiders, but the spiders are relatively harmless and smol where I live. Doesn't change the fact that I wasn't fazed by a spider that could probably just vibe on my shoulder. Didn't find the professional before I woke up, so she might've stayed longer than we expected...

Rose sounds like a fitting name, so I went with that🕷

"We got a new pet, wanna met her? She's friendly."
"Oh sure, what's her name?"
"Aww, sounds like a good girl!"
"Lemme get her for you!"
"Here she is~!"

Random Dreams I hadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora