A Special Combo

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(Dream Date: September 22 2021)

I was getting this deluxe combo meal at a McDonald's in a huge mall. I sat down, and I was then brought this massive tray, like, it covered the whole table. This old lady worker enthusiastically tossed me my drinks, thankfully I caught them both. I honestly felt like I was in a Disney musical. The meal had two milkshakes, one drink of regular milk, and a now unknown amount of chicken nuggets and fries.

I was about to dig in when I was distracted by someone walking in wearing a Pepsi sign for a mask, prompting me to wonder if they could even see or breathe properly with that on. I then noticed two of my classmates from elementary nearby.

They were trying to peek into the back of the restaurant next door because one of them wanted to know if they seasoned the bacon for a certain dish, she also mentioned the quality of the restaurant's poutine. (A Canadian specialty)

I went to get them just as an employee questioned them for snooping. After a quick reunion, I brought them back to my table. The other one had one of those portable DVD players for travel, and was wanting to watch a Marvel movie with us. I know how writing and pictures can be distorted in dreams, but from the colour palette on the cover, I could tell right away that it was Endgame. I promptly agreed, excited for a our little hangout, but I was then woken up.

Since I was sad that it was only a dream, I went to my local Mc.D's the following day.

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