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THE FUMBLE OF THE DOORKNOB and the jingle of keys didn't make them stir in the slightest. Supported by throw pillows and covered with a thin blanket, the two unlikely of friends lay in a comfortable position stretched out on the living room couch. They had fallen asleep after the second movie they picked out was over; Kai's neck hung over the back of the couch at an awkward angle, soft snores coming from him, while Mila drooled on the collar of his shirt.

However, the grunt of the front door swinging open and the thud of Evan Ramone's footsteps followed by the click of Natalie Ramone's heels proved to be enough of a distraction. Their daughter flinches at the noise, squinting past the blue light coming from the television and then nearly being blinded when her mother switched on the lights of the entryway and living room. Her annoyance quickly turns into panic as she realized she lost track of time and her parents had walked in on her using Kai as her own personal pillow.

She pushes away from the siphoner, who was blinking in confusion and from grogginess, unwinding herself from the arm that was slung over her waist. Mila had even impulsively jumped up from the couch, crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to think of a reasonable explanation on why she was draped over someone they had never met before.

"Mom! Dad! Hi!" Her voice, which normally would be rough from sleep, had acquired a high pitch to it. She glanced over at the clock hung on the wall, showing that it was nearly six o'clock; the darkening sky added more proof on how the afternoon was shifting into the evening. "How was work?"

Her father unsuccessfully hid his amused grin at his daughter's unusual flustered appearance."Good, actually. Is your boyfriend staying for dinner?"

"He is not my boyfriend." Mila denied, watching him take his wife's coat and put hers along side his in the closet. Kai stands up beside her, rubbing the back of his neck because it was now sore from his sleeping arrangement.

"I will be soon." He yawns, not bothered in the slightest by the arrival of company.

"Haven't worn her down yet, huh?" Evan muses, his smile widening when Mila's jaw drops and her eyes bulge at her dad's reply.

"No, but I'm working on it." Kai smiles, too.

Horrified, Mila turns to her mother. "Worn me down? Mom, are you hearing this? Control your husband!"

"Sorry, baby. If I had any influence on him, the diamond on my finger would have been three times bigger. So, is your... friend staying for dinner? I would like to know so I know how much food to make," she responds, working on unscrewing one of her earrings but she pauses to lean over kiss Mila's forehead before striding past the archway and into the kitchen.

The frown contorting Mila's face deepens. She hadn't expected her parents to completely freak out, but she couldn't help but feel like it was now three against one all of sudden. The way her dad officially greeted Kai, patting him on the shoulder instead of offering up a proper handshake, proved it further. She watches the man she's known her whole life look him up and down — not in suspicion, but with this radiance. Like he knew everything instead of nothing.

"I-I guess he's staying?" Mila answers her mother's question, thousands of her own continuing to go unanswered as she continues to watch the exchange between Kai and Evan.

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