Chapter 27

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Xavier's POV
She looked out the window probably lost in her thoughts.

"Hey" i held her arm.

"What's wrong?, you've been kind of a bit off"

"It's nothing" she said pulling her arm from my hold.

She got out and waited which i was kinda grateful for, this garage gave me the chills.

"Let's go" i said holding her hand unlike others it wasn't as soft as i thought it would be but i let it slide, man i was holdind her hand. What the fuck is wrong with me.

"Aren't you coming in?" She asked clearly tired from the day's event.

"Ye...yea" i stuttered, something is definitely wrong wit me.

We rode in silence till we reached her floor. She opened the door and collapsed on the chair... boy is  yellow really her colour.

"Do you wanna have dinner? She asked, i could get used to this.

"Uhm no actually wanted to talk to you" since when did i become nervous.

She straightened her position and stared at me.

"Be my date" that sounded more like an order "no i meant..."she cut me off


"Why" i couldn't be more shocked right now.

"This is crossing every line"

"What line? For heavens sake i thought we crossed that line already".

She got up, ohh no she is so not walking out of this. I blocked her path.

"Xavier it's getting late you need to leave" she whispered

"Give me an answer Zira" i pushed on.

"I owe you zero answers"

"Wow, one minute you're caught up laughing and talking and been all smiley next moment you're some locked up book, i refuse to believe it's some PMS shit because I know it's not" I ran my hands through my hair.

She muttered something under her breath and tried to walk past me.

"Xavier" she warned, not today gattina.

She tried walking last me and i blocked her again but this time holding her waist.

"Xavier let go" she gritted.

"Just tell me why" i whispered, finally giving up, i looked at her eyes.

"Why should i, i no longer work for you, we barely know each other...."

"I beg your pardon, barely... if you barely know me how come i laid in your bed, took a shower in your home" i have never been this hurt.

She ignored me and walked ahead, i gripped her arm and pulled her back, she kicked my ankle and twisted my leg backwards making me groan.

She turned immediately and helped me stand straight.

"If this isn't anything... you know what nevermind" i sighed " I'm really trying here you know why can't you just see it" i whispered.

"See what "

I pulled her closer and secured her waist with one hand and her face in the other

"Xavier wha...

"I like that came out wrong i have extreme feelings for you why don't you see it?"

"I want you as a friend, a lover even more than, i want to wake up with you in my arms and your legs tangled with mine, your arms straddling me Zira, why can't you see all this?" I yelled.

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