Chapter 17

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Xavier's pov

It's been months since the very day she left and the very day i lost my best friend.

I run my hands through my hair for the upteenth time, all i had to do was keep her safe, the rest will fall into place but had other fucking plans and now she's way outta my grasp. Fuck it i need a drink now.

Standing up i picked my coat and adjusted my tie and walked out of my office.

"Sir you have a meeting in the next....

"Reschedule it" i replied dryly

"But sir.... she trailed off

"Did i stutter ?" I sneeeed earning a no  her "cancel all meetings for the week, if any emergency occurs call me ".

"Yes sir"she slurred seductively and placed a hand on me, regular Xavier would've screwed her but she looks so fake and those claws ...dont get me started.

I raised an eye and she winked "next time won't be so nice" i said, she got the message by smothering invisible creases on her skirt.

I walked out with men behind me,i increased my men after the messages stopped coming not like i can't take care of myself.... it's just protection can never be underestimated, i know something's up but i can't place a finger on it... yet.

"Sir" Bill said opening the door earning a nod from me.

"Boy" Valdez said dragging the word

"Anything new and why the heck are you in my car Valdez " i said he doesn't have the right to hop into my cars.

"I thought you might want to see something but nevermind since a man can't hitch a ride in his son's car its alright" he said wiping away the fake tears.

"Valdez, im in zero mood for jokes what did you find?" I said dryly.

I heard him mutter ungrateful prick, im gonna let it slide now if i want to hear him.

"Well this is gonna come as a shock to you but that hipster kid...what's his name again " he said trying to remember.


"The walking STD kid...bangs anything in a skirt,dirty blond, blue eyes...

"Zander" i said stiffling a laugh. Let's just say he had bad blood for Zander since he had fucked his niece in his garage.

"Yes that one "he said scowling muttering some curse words.

So what's up with him?"

"He was about to go bankrupt ....

"How come im just hearing about it " i felt hurt.

"I thought you knew.. but either way his sorry ass was saved at the very point of been voted out by the board, no one knows his partner but sources say she's a real beauty with perfect legs and the ass of a freaking goddess and zero freaking  tolerance for fucktards and ass lickers so ....." he said laughing

"You know so much about her body especially her ass for a married man" i smirked knowing i had switched a lerva.

"Been published butt naked isn't so bad, is it? " and i choked on my smirk if that's even possible.

"Who did he design for?" I asked changing the subject.

"The public can you believe it " he said laughing.

"I don't understand" i stated dryly.

"See" he said showing me a site on his phone " its some kind of spin the wheel contests for people to design their homes to dream homes and the sleesh started a show knowing well that he screw around but his partner made a strict rule about intimacy with partners .. he's gonna be hanging with blue balls at the end" he said laughing loudly.

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