Chapter 13

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Xavier's pov

"Speak now" i said glaring at the man beside me.

"Uhmm... i took her to the hospital sir but..

"Go straight to the point i dont have all day " i replied  getting furious.

"She was in the middle of the road unconscious when....

"What do you mean unconscious" i said shocked.

"S..sir i mean he said stuttering

"If you're gonna stutter be my guest and get out" i growled lowly.

"Sir i mean she had mud on her feet..

"And...." i said impatiently.

"And that kind of mud can only be seen in a cemetery "  he said nervous.

"What the fuck" i flared. What the heck was she doing there.

Zara you idiot, my inner voice said.

Shit, that means she went to see Zara but how did she get to the road.

"Sir... uhmm that's not where I'm heading" he said giving me a clue making me turn to give him my full attention.

"She was on the road well drenched and the mud gave her away that she was at the cemetery cause her back was covered in mud too" he said dead serious.

"So what are you implying" i said feeling a little nervous.

"Someone was with her sir" he said looking at me with caution.

"What the fuck do you mean someone was with her "i roared at him making him flinch.

"Th....thats not w....what i m...meant sir. I meant someone kept her on the road not the middle so she won't get..."

"Crushed, i said completing his statement. But how could you be so sure?" i asked him.

"Sir there's one thing a woman loves after her husband and that's a pair of heels, i know this because immediately a truck driver and my wife has so much magazines on a new brand of heels" he said smiling to himself.

"Its not just any kind of heels sir, when they walk it doesn't give an obvious footprint on the floor except for the shape and it has a straight trail of stones on the body" he said getting one out of his pocket as proof.

I took a look at it not knowing where his point was leading to. He brought out his phone and showed me a picture  of Zira laying on the ground and my heart clenched, i felt slightly suffocated.

"How does this picture prove anything" i said getting furious.

"Sir i took this picture as evidence that i brought her here but...

"But what" i said coldly.

"If you'd zoom in properly you'd see a foot print of the heel and your woman was on a converse so whoever left her there was on heels and left her at the side of the road not at the middle..."

"So she won't get crushed" I said completing  as i felt my insides churn as realization dawned on me.

"Yes sir. But sir the problem is when i dropped her off i was asked to sign some documents and wait then i excused myself for a moment to was up the dirt stains but i was told there were a couple of men looking for me. I hid in the walls cause i knew leaving would only lead them to my family and getting us killed and i can't lose me family they're all I've got sir" he said almost pleading.

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