Chapter 22

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Xavier's POV
I woke up and found Zira on a comforter and more importantly, my hands secured around her waist.

I realized my head was on her legs with her fingers combed in my hair and my shirt was no where to be found.

I sniffed her legs...she smells so amazing, i removed my hands and sat upright and stared at the beauty in front of me. I raised my phone...

"Don't you dare" she said with her eyes closed and i flipped my phone away.

"Why the heck did you do that?" I asked searching for my phone.

"I did nothing now why was your phone pointed at me" she asked.

"I was checking an e-mail" i lied.

"Really an e-mail?" She said finally opening her sea green eyes.

"When did you wake? " i asked.

"Before you" she said.


"My eyes were never ..ahhh" she said clutching her stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked alert.

"Nothing, mild cramp" she said and i faced her.

"Red river days huh?" I grinned and she smiled.

"Red river?" She burst onto laughter "ahh" she clutched her stomach again.

"Shouldn't have taken that shake"she mumbled.

"What can i do?"i asked her.

"Nothing.. i'm good" she denied my help.

"Let me help" i said and i lifted her bridal style and took her to her room.

"Xavier put me down now" she ordered and tried to wriggle.

"You're stained" i said and she stiffened.

"The bathroom is over there" she pointed and i made my way to her supposed bathroom and my jaw dropped i was stunned, she's got a jacuzzi.

I sat her on the counter and  got a towel out and hanged it on a rack, settled a paste on her brush and handed it to her which she collected with her eyes anywhere but on mine.

"Look at me " i growled "there's nothing to be ashamed of"i said my eyes glued on hers.

"I'm not ashamed now do me a favour and leave" she snapped.

"Call me of you need anything" i said and left her bathroom.

I looked around her room and i saw a frame of two girls sticking there tongues out with a boy with his hands in his pocket away from the almost identical girls.

I sat on her bed and picked the frame, they all had similar blue eyes except hers a sea green eyes that shined brightly. I rubbed my thumb on little zira's face and smiled.

"Drop it" a voice startled me and i dropped and it broke.

I bent to pick it "leave it " she said holding the door for support and i checked her out, her long tanned legs and her large curves outlined on the towel.

"Quit checking me out and get a broom" she snapped and i realized she caught me.

"I'm sorry i...."she cut me off.

"Get out" she said her eyes on the ground looking at the broken glass, her hardened eyes staring at me.

"Do i repeat myself ...get out "she screamed and fell clutching her stomach.

I ran and picked her again and placed her on the bed. She tried to stand again clearly ignoring my presence and i held her down.

"Where?" I asked and she ignored me with tears threatening to spill.

To Love My Broken✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant