Chapter 28

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Xavier's POV.
I woke up, after using the bathroom i realized it was 2:14am, it was too early for me to be up i slid back into bed, rested on the headboard and took out my phone.

I stared at the picture i took of Zira stunned when that little demon kissed her, her face was a mix of shock and laughter.

She looked extremely beautiful with her long jet black hair and yellow dress with that necklace and most importantly her EYES. The way the colour of her hues change is magnificent.

I realized i had been smiling to myself for a while and i snapped out of it. I can't believe noona said i was inlove with her i mean she's everything i've wanted for a long time now and what i feel for her is more than any mere crush or infatuation it's more than that.

Groaning, i wonder if she's awake...probably not, i guess i should just call her to be sure or maybe i should text her but what if she's still shocked. Groaning again after my inner battle i decided to not call or text either both sound appealing but what if she makes it awkward or says it was a mistake that would definitely crush my spirits so i'm gonna leave the inevitable for another day.

I slid back under the duvet, tomorrow's a saturday i should probably take noona out to central park where she strolled with my noono for a while before his death.

Setting the alarm for 5am i let sleep consume me not before putting on the night lamp and hang the dream catcher on the lamp, i may or may not have stolen it from Zira but she won't mind.

Waving it off i sigh in content today has been a hella day with the kiss adding noona's feast and gossip was a cherry on top of it. I still can't believe i had  actually opened up my feelings to my grandmother i'm never gonna live it up.

Closing my eyes, i really need to sleep and rolling constantly trying to find the perfect angle on my pillow i finally close my eyes and let the chilly wind work it's way into my body.

My alarm went off, it felt like i just slept a while ago i need more sleep but i need to prepare for my date with noona.

I jump into action with the cards which was a tradition for them. I staple a single rose to each card all seven of them and line them up from her sliding one under her door and the thorn stung me.

All roses four red roses and three white roses had something special about them which noono taught me each card has a different meaning and with the rose it's a very lovely symbol of love, getting ready for phase 2 which was the event.

I called Deliah and had her set it up, she had no problems of any sort after a one thousand dollar settlement which clearly was a no brainer for her.

Let's be clear money have no sentimental value anymore to me but doesn't mean i don't understand the value to others, i was once in that position so i quite understand how  five hundred could feed a family of six for a day or two.

For the real job, i got back into bed and relaxed my tense muscles and sore throbbing fingers which would definitely feel better after my due nap.

My alarm rang 9:30am, i got a text from deliah saying it was all cleared up and the  one thousand dollars was transferred to her account. I took a long relaxing hot shower which was a first seeing i always had an erection due to someone.

Tying a towel around my waist tightly and one on my hair and i dressed quickly, throwing the towel into the basket and picked all my necessities and locked my door.

Having a sinister thought i walked into noona's room and pulled the curtains letting the sun hit her hard and i walked out.

I sat on the dining table eating breakfast when she strolled into the dining area with her hands on her ear cursing the shit outta me in Italian.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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