chapter 9

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Zira's pov
I had another nightmare but this time it wasn't zara who died it was someone else it was so blurry and in no mood to seek blood from anyone, what the fuck is going on in my head, i try to get up but something or more like someone's holding me he's so close to me, i can feel the heat risimg between my legs ...not the right time for fantasies my subconscious adds. Right.

I raise his hand with force and he snuggle a pillow, so much for cuddling with me. I walk up to the balcony with my glass in my hand and let the cool night breeze help me think.

He's awake , now i can't think anymore.

He snatched my drink what the fuck i mean who snatches drinks from people?

He had the guts to ask if i was crazy? This man is gonna end 6 ft if he doesn't stay off my path. Threatening him wasn't the best thing to do but my anger got the best of me so don't jugde.

I tucked myself back into the bed, so much for thinking tonight.

This dude doesn't just give up, he needs to learn to shove his ideas up his ass. Like who the fuck is he talking to A toddler? I ain't no goddamn kid. I clenched my jaw, AWLWAYS SMILE it repeated again in my head a tear dropped unknowingly but i stopped it and the rest from flowing.

I close my eyes and fall asleep again but someone's hovering over me its only Xavier and i in this room, i open my eyes and his lips are on my forehead, what the fuck i said under my breathe , who am i kidding it felt so nice .

I woke up in a king size bed trying to remember how the fuck i got here ... im here with Xavier on a trip but where is he ?

Speaking of the devil he came out or the bathroom and stood in front of me in all his glory ,i greeted him but my stupid eyes follwed the with the water dripping from his hair to his luscious pink lips, neck broad chest, glorious abs and most of all his sexy v-line.. i wonder if it could fit.

Shit, he caught me checking him out , i probably look like a shameless deprived hormonal woman right now and he's trying to ridicule me ,two can play at that game.

I checked the time and its 10:57 shit we've got a meeting. the reminder came on, it drained the smile from my face but i can't let it get to me at least not today.

I went to shower and dress up but he was dressed in casuals and soliloqusing, this man is so full of mystery.

This son of a bitch had done the meeting all along but again why would abuelo do something like this i thought he wanted to see me, something's going on i can feel it but i cant place a finger on it.... yet.

I change into a silk blue shorts and a tank top, it should do cause i ain't got plans of leaving this room. I hear muffled voices from the room, they came with snacks ohh how much i love them... whoa where did that come from.

Xaviers pov

Shes changed already and now she looks hella hot again, i opened the door for them Jenna says hi and i nod at her but Zander ignores me. I know im a bit of a handful but ignoring me is a whole new level.

Hey guys she says coming out of the closet to hug them.

Zander pulled her in and muffled something in her ears and she nodded and smiled ... why can't she smile at me am i that cold and heartless .... i walk out of there.

I walk to the balcony and rest my hand on the railings and close my eyes.


I turn to see Jenna.

What do you want

You can't get her to like you if all you do is insult her pride, or make her feel angry everytime.

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