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A little groveling in front of Her Majesty and the marriage license for Daphne and the Duke was secured.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life. ...in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I now pronounce you man and wife.

I smile at Daphne as I manage to track her down at the reception. "It was such a beautiful wedding, Daph. Congratulations."

Daphne grabs my hands in hers. "I want to thank you, Diana."

"Whatever for?" I question.

"For being my very closest friend since the age of five. I cannot imagine we will not live across the street from each other anymore," Daphne tells me.

"You may be moving into Clyvedon but you will still make trips back into town," I assure her.

Daphne wraps me into a hug. "I will miss you."

"I will miss you more," I assure.

I stand with Penelope and Marina. Penelope is trying to get Marina to find another suitor.

"What about him? He seems... pleasant," Penelope offers. "Or him. Kind eyes. A fine enough husband, I think."

"Pen, I neither know nor have time for any of these men. Now, where is Colin?" Marina asks.

"You can choose anyone but him. He is my friend, Marina. I have known him forever. And I do not want him to be tricked and deceived into a lifelong commitment. You must not do this to a good man," Penelope tells her.

"Well, should I perhaps entrap a bad man, then? Perhaps you would find it acceptable for me to live my life with a man who treats me like a mere beast?" Marina counters.

"No, I only mean..." Penelope starts.

"What am I to do, Penelope? I will be a good wife to Colin, and he a good husband and father... however young and well-liked by you he may be," Marina assures.

Aunt Featherington walks over towards us. "Miss Thompson, you will be delighted to know that Lord Rutledge is no longer available. He is engaged as of this morning."

"That is... How terrible," Marina remarks.

"Best hope that whatever you have planned for Mr. Bridgerton actually works. It is your last hope," Aunt Featherington tells her.

Marina walks off towards Colin.

Lady Danbury walks over to me.

I curtsy. "Lady Danbury."

"Miss Featherington. To see you without Mr Bridgerton, a rare sight indeed," Lady Danbury remarks.

I smile slightly. "Mr Bridgerton and I are not courting. We do have lives apart from one another."

Lady Danbury nods. "Just give it time."

I look at her curiously. "Time, Lady Danbury?"

"Mr Bridgerton will decide to settle down soon," Lady Danbury states.

"Are you suggesting that Mr Bridgerton and I should get engaged?" I question.

"I see the way you two look at one another," Lady Danbury tells me.

Eloise walks over towards us. "Lady Danbury you are Lady Whistledown." I look at her in shock. "Yes, you certainly enjoy spreading secrets, do you not?"

"Dear child, have you lost your wits? Everyone enjoys secrets. Otherwise, why would Lady Whistledown's paper be so successful? I am flattered by your accusation, but it is simply not true. Though, when you unmask the writer, do let me know," Lady Danbury tells her. She turns to me. "And you should think about what I told you."

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