Chapter 3

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Friday finally arrived. Ned, Peter, and I talked excitedly about the night. Surprisingly, I didn't have to fake the enthusiasm. As soon as school finished, we were on our way to Peter's apartment. We walked three blocks from the station to his home. That put us at six blocks apart.

When Peter got to the door of his apartment, he opened the door and called out to his aunt.

"May? Are you home?" he called.

There was no answer. Peter sighed before addressing me.

"She works late sometimes," he said to me.

"That's alright," I said.

Ned and I dumped our bags on the floor near the door. Peter rushed to the kitchen to make some popcorn while Ned got started with putting the DVD into the player. I stood there awkwardly. This was never apart of my training. What was I supposed to do?

"Hey, y/n, come sit over here," Ned said, gesturing to the couch.

I cautiously walked over and sat in the corner of the couch. Ned sat in the other corner and Peter came in with the popcorn. He sat between Ned and I and pressed play.

We all ate the popcorn and watched A New Hope. By the end of the movie, we were ready for the next one. We got through The Empire Strikes Back when the clock struck eight o'clock.

"Oh man, I'd better be getting home," I said, getting up and stretching.

Peter looked at me concerned.

"Do you need me to walk you home? It's dark outside," he said.

I just shook my head.

"No, I'll be alright. It's only about six blocks," I said.

Peter's mouth thinned but he didn't protest. I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to the two boys before I left.

I walked down the street. If anyone tried to attack me, I could take them. Even without my powers. A shadow passed overhead. I whipped my gaze up, and saw a shadowy figure perched on the top of a building. Even with my enhanced eyesight, I couldn't see who – or what – it was.

I shook myself and continued on, watching the figure from the corner of my eye. It jumped from building to building, stalking me. I was so focused on what was happening above me that I didn't realise there was a threat on the ground.

I strong hand grabbed my wrist and yanked me into an alleyway. A knife was pressed up against my throat.

"Give me your money," the person said.

Based on their voice and body structure, they were a man. The easiest way I could get out of this would be to shock him, but I couldn't risk anyone else seeing me. The other thing I could do would be to disarm the man.

I didn't have to do anything though because he was suddenly jerked back. I looked behind the mugger to see Spiderman.

"It's not nice to put knives to people's throats," Spiderman said.

I tried not to roll my eyes. I knew that this was Peter, but had he ever been in a proper fight before? Comments were unnecessary and a distraction.

The mugger jumped at Spiderman, but he dodged and webbed the mugger to a wall.

"Karen, can you please call the police?" Spiderman said while looking at the criminal.

I looked at him confused until I realised that Karen must be the name of his AI. Tony Stark had one, so I guessed that Peter had one too. I wondered if Karen stood for something, or if it just a name.

"You should probably get out of here," Spiderman said, finally facing me.

He must have been the shadow.

"Thank you for saving me," I said.

Spiderman nodded and then swung away. I walked hurriedly down the streets and to my apartment. As much as I was itching for a fight, I knew better than to display my abilities in public. Even if it was dark and there was barely anyone around.

I entered my apartment building and got into the elevator. The elevator was empty and the ride to my floor was short. I walked into my apartment and saw Cassandra waiting for me. I sat down at the table to tell her what happened.

"What do you think of Peter?" Cassandra asked after I'd finished.

"I think that it will be easy to infiltrate his group. He is too innocent and easy to manipulate," I replied.

"I meant as a person," Cassandra said, leaning back in her chair and watching me carefully.

"I – I haven't thought about that," I said.

Was I supposed to have? I suppose that he was nice and nerdy. And extremely intelligent. In a few years, his intelligence could probably rival Tony Stark's.

"Good," Cassandra said, interrupting my thoughts. "You don't need him. He is just a pawn in the plan. I'm the only person you need."

I nodded, agreeing with my sister. Getting attached would only cause problems. 

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