"So, I heard you're dating Parker."
I turned to see MJ looking at me. I smiled and bit my lip.
"Yeah," I said, closing my locker.
"Have you two been on a date yet?" she asked.
I thought back to the other day. Peter had taken me on a picnic. We had gotten Delmar's sandwiches, and I'd kissed him on the cheek when he'd walked me home.
"Yeah, he took me on a picnic," I said.
"Cute," MJ said flatly, then shivered.
I laughed at her reaction. We walked to class where Peter and Ned were waiting. I walked up to Peter and kissed his cheek. MJ gagged and Ned smiled widely.
When I'd told Cassandra about me dating Peter, she said that it would be great for the mission. The best way to get to someone is to fake-date them, apparently. But I wasn't fake-dating Peter. I actually really liked him. That was the problem.
Class was boring. I was excited for school to end because I was going to Peter's house after school. When it finally did end, we walked to the subway hand in hand.
"Do you want to go to Delmar's?" Peter asked.
I nodded and we went to the store. When we entered, we both ordered a number five with extra pickles. Mr Delmar said something to Peter in Spanish. He blushed slightly and replied in Spanish, giving my hand a squeeze.
"So, you're dating Parker now, eh?" Mr Delmar asked.
"Yeah," I said, blushing.
Mr Delmar playfully teased us for a little bit before we were on our way. Sadly, I couldn't hold Peter's hand while I ate my sandwich. We walked back to Peter's place. When we entered, May was making banana bread in the kitchen.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed, giving me a hug. "Peter told me that you two are together now!"
Peter blushed and groaned while I laughed a bit.
"Yeah, we are. I just couldn't resist his nerdy charm," I joked.
May laughed and let us go. We went into Peter's room and left the door open three inches (at May's request).
When we were finally alone, I threw my arms around Peter's neck and kissed him. His hands found my waist as he kissed me back. We eventually broke apart, but still stayed with my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.
I really wanted to tell him everything. Tell him that I was from Hydra and what I was sent here to do. I hated lying to him. I knew that I couldn't tell him, though. He would probably break up with me and I'd be sent to the raft or something. If the Avenger's didn't kill me, Hydra would. Besides, I couldn't leave Cassandra.
"Are you alright?" Peter asked me, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked innocently.
"Well, whenever you're deep in thought, you get this little crease in your forehead," Peter explained.
He paid a lot of attention to me. It was cute.
"I'm just thinking about... you meeting my sister," I lied. "She's kind of overprotective."
Peter just smiled at me.
"I'm sure it'll be fine," he said.
I nodded and kissed him again. I could never get sick of kissing him. Eventually we found ourselves cuddled up on Peter's bed, watching The Empire Strikes Back. After the movie, May called us out for dinner. We sat at the table and spoke with May.
If only think was real. If only I was a normal girl, here at her boyfriend's house.
I shook myself from the thoughts. It wouldn't do me any good.
Once dinner was over, I walked home. Peter had argued with me, saying that I could get mugged like last time, but I told him that I would be extra careful.
Spiderman followed me home anyway. There was no trouble and I texted Peter when I entered my apartment, letting him know that I'd gotten home. I settled into bed, Peter and Hydra consuming my thoughts.

Daughter Of Hydra | Peter Parker x Reader
Fanfiction'It was strange, to pretend that I knew nothing about this boy, when, in reality, I knew pretty much everything about him.' Hydra is all y/n knows. They gave her everything when she had nothing. But what happens when she meets Peter Parker? Reached...