I Write Basically Nothing About Lauren So Here You Go

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*Lauren and Clueless are hanging out*
Clueless: So I see ponies.
Lauren: That's not normal.
Clueless: It isn't?
Lauren (shakes head): No, but I told Author it was.
*both girls laugh*
Chica (appears): Heyyy, guys
Lauren and Clueless: Hey Chica.
Chica: I brought you some pizza.
Lauren (taking a slice): You're too nice, Chica.
Chica: At least I'm not like Author.
Clueless: That would be a DISASTER.
Author: Dod someone call my name?
Everyone: NO
Author: okay bye
Everyone: Bye
Author: Wait, did I say "bye"? I meant to say BUS...
Everyone: NO-!
*bus comes out of nowhere and kills everyone until the next episode*
Author: Man, I haven't used that tactic in a while.

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