186 4 36

What is your favourite type of chocolate?

- Dark chocolate: Honey

- White chocolate: Tansy 

- Mint chocolate: Mint/y

- Dairy milk: Sun/ny

- Chocolate truffle: Slate

- A specific brand, eg. galaxy/wisp ect. :Little

- Flake: Holly

- Chocolate orange: Clover

- Caramel/salted caramel: Vixen

- Mixed: Marigold

- Cookies and cream: Fennel

- Cranberry chocolate: Tangle

- All/Other: Drift

- Don't have one/don't like chocolate: Gold/en

First letter of your favourite dessert

A - C: Dawn/dusk

D - F: Blaze/Flame

G - I: Leaf/Light

J - L: Shade/Heart

M - P: Leap/Storm

Q - S: Branch/Wish

T - V: Spring/Feather

W - Z: Dust/Willow

Don't have one: Watcher/Fall

What did you get? I got Tansydawn and Littledusk!

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