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What is your favourite type of media/content?

Stuff I can read/look at [eg. fanfiction]: Fern/Gold(en)

Videos [eg. YouTube]: Ivy/Ivory

Twitch/other livestreaming platforms [livestreams]: Elm/Tiny

Audiobooks/Audio dramas: Snail/Long

Games: Beech/Willow

Radio: Aspen/Pansy

Music: Birch/Bright

Films/TV series: Rose/Tulip

All: Moss(y)/Quiet

None: Vine/Violet

Other: Dark/Tansy

Favourite social website/app

Wattpad: Sky/Tail

Twitch: Spirit/Fur

YouTube: Shine/Patch

Twitter: Splash/River

Pinterest: Glow/Sight

Tumblr: Swoop/Briar

Instagram: Wave/Heart

Facebook: Night/Water

Discord: Pool/Fire

WhatsApp: Frost/Flight

Snapchat: Claw/Talon

Other: Cloud/Shade

All: Wing/Stalk

None: Dusk/Dawn

What did you get? I got Quietspirit and Mossypatch!

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