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First letter of your favourite cat breed

A - C: Echo

D - F: Fallow

G - I: Fennel

J - L: Shiver

M - P: Hazel

Q - S: Meadow

T - V: Thistle

W - Z: Nectar

Don't have one: Poppy

First letter of the last tv show/series you watched

A - C: Leaf

D - F: Dusk

G - I: Fall

M - P: Light

Q - S: Mouse

T - V: Petal

W - Z: Pool

Can't remember/Don't watch TV: Nose

What did you get? I got Meadowpetal! (Last TV series I watched was The Queen's Gambit, would definitely recommend, although maybe only if you're older than 15, as its 15 rated). 

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