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First letter of the name of whatever food you last ate (if multiple in one just pick the overall thing or a random food)

A: Tawny

B: Mouse

C: Ferret

D: Wasp

E: Cedar

F: Cherry

G: Timber

H: Acorn

I: Pod

J: Clover

K: Daisy

L: Ivory

M: Sedge

N: Holly

O: Sage

P: Sorrel

Q: Lightning

R: Sun/ny

S: Rain/y

T: Slate

U: Creek

V: Echo

W: Cinder

X: Black

Y: Smoke(y)

Z: Scorch

I can't remember: Tangle(d)

Idk: Swift

First letter of the name of whatever drink you last had

A: Wing/Leaf

B: Flame/Mask

C: Stream/Briar

D: Blaze/Stripe(s)

E: Flake/River

F: Jaw/Gaze

G: Whisker/Whisper

H: Spring/Ear

I: Frost/Nose

J: Step/Sky

K: Song/Feather

L: Foot/Fern

M: Belly/Drop

N: Light/Flight

O: Mist/Cloud

P: Heart/Pelt

Q: Tail/Shard

R: Branch/Patch

S: Snow/Star

T: Flower/Stem

U: Petal/Stalk(er)

V: Dance/Watcher

W: Breeze/Pad

X: Dust/Face

Y: Willow/Scar

Z: Berry/Burr

I can't remember: Fur

Idk: Bush

What did you get? I got Sorrelstem!

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