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More colours, tried to go for 'mysterious' type prefixes although I'm not sure how well some of them match aha

Main colour of your computer background/phone/tablet ect. lockscreen/homescreen --just any type of background lol--(if multiple devices/colours just pick one)

Red: Silent

Orange: Shadow

Yellow: Whisper

Green: Dark

Blue: Moon

Purple: Quiet

Pink: Wolf

Brown: Night

White: Black

Grey: Wish

Black: Silver

I don't have any: Lone

Idk: Lost

Other: Raven

Main colour of your current device (eg. black keyboard + black screen ect, if multiple just pick one)

Red: Spirit/Dust

Orange: Dream(er)/Gaze

Yellow: Light/Mask

Green: Star/Scar

Blue: Fire/Cloud

Purple: Mist/Pool

Pink: Watcher/Wing(s)

Brown: Frost/Shine

White: Poppy/Shimmer

Grey: Bright/Shade

Black: Heart/Feather

Idk: Fall

Other: Path

What did you get? I got Moonfeather!

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