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First letter within the name of your favourite warrior cats MAP/PMV (Animated warriors videos)

Idk, never watched any: Vulture

A: Eagle

B: Osprey

C: Raven

D: Buzzard

E: Robin

F: Jay

G: Crow

H: Magpie

I: Parrot

J: Falcon 

K: Heron

L: Lark

M: Dove

N: Owl

O: Swan

P: Thrush

Q: Goose

R: Finch

S: Bird

T: Duck

U: Gull

V: Pheasant

W: Hawk

X: Partridge 

Y: Sparrow

Z: Starling

I can't choose: Kestrel

I don't like them: Pigeon

Do you like/do animating?

Yes, I animate stuff all the time: Flight/Wing

Yeah but I'm not great at it: Tuft/Song

I tried once or twice: Foot/Feather(s)

Sometimes: Swoop/Tail

I've animated few times but not often: Sight/Frost

I make animatics: Stripe/Spot

Nah, I want to though: Storm/Fall

Nope: Eye/Strike

Never tried it, don't want to: Fern/Heart

Conflicting/mixed opinions: Wind/Breeze

What did you get? I got Duckfoot, Ospreyfeather and Hawkfoot!

[my favourite MAPs are The Five Giants, Blame -Cinderpelt- and Wolf -LeafxCrow-]

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