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psst... applications are open for this joint account... we are looking for spoof writers and apprentices, so check out our application book if you're interested ^^ also if you're a really good writer I might be willing to accept a novel writer as well.

Now with that self-promotion over, let's get on with the part!

What is the most annoying thing on this list? (just lil things that annoy me lol, they might not annoy everyone)

Extremely slow internet: Scorch

Not being able to find the start of the tape/cellotape/scotch tape/whatever you call transparent tape: Rye

People using their phones or being loud during movies: Shadow

Self promotion in places it shouldn't be: Hail

Constantly forgetting things: Plum

Getting comfortable and then realising you forgot something or need to do something: Peach

Tangled earphones/wires: Adder

Things being really slow when you're in a rush: Snake

Losing your page/line when reading a book: Sharp

Waking up just before the alarm: Bramble

Noisy neighbours/loud parties when you're trying to sleep: Drift

People being mean/rude for no reason: Sage

Meh, none of these annoy me: Wren

Idk: Myrtle 

All of them annoy me equally: Frozen

Pick a number from 1 - 12

1: Hawk/Blaze

2: Fur/Flower

3: Cloud/Sky

4: Patch/Feather

5: Dream(er)/Mist

6: Meadow/River

7: Frost/Puddle

8: Fern/Song

9: Leap/Branch

10: Dust/Ripple

11: Stalk(er)/Snout

12: Water(s)/Leaf

What did you get? I got Adderstalk, Driftsong and Scorchdream!

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