64 - WindClan names

104 3 14

Favourite super edition [As of Feb 2021, if you're reading this past that date, please don't get irritated if your favourite isn't here, I can't update it every time a new one comes out]

Moth Flight's Vision: Hare

Tallstar's Revenge: Tall

Yellowfang's Secret: Breeze

Crookedstar's Promise: Rabbit

Bluestar's Prophecy: Gorse

Firestar's Quest: Mud

SkyClan's Destiny: Heather

Crowfeather's Trial: Chive

Bramblestar's Storm: Night

Hawkwing's Journey: Quick

Tigerheart's Shadow: Milk

Squirrelflight's Hope: Kestrel

Graystripe's Vow: Morning

Pick a random number from 1 - 10

1: Fall

2: Sun

3: Whisker

4: Song

5: Poppy

6: Flight

7: Belly

8: Brook

9: Pad

10: Rush

What did you get? I got Gorsesong and Mudbelly! 

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