71 5 12

Do you play/like board games/table top gaming? [eg. Chess, Snakes/Chutes and ladders ect.] - basically any game you play on a table lmao

Don't know what they are: Splash

Yes, I love them: Web

I play, but I don't really like them: Dust/y

I like them/they're OK: Hazel

Feel neutral about them/no strong opinion: Ivy

I would like to play but can't/don't: Otter

Meh/Not really interested: Rush

Despise them: Arctic

I have never played any: Silent

Mixed: Thistle

Other: Rose

First letter of your favourite board/table top game

I don't like/play them: Watcher

A - C: Rain/Blossom

D - F: Sun/Spring

G - I: Shade/Brook

J - L: Heart/Flank

M- P: Flower/Night

Q - S: Storm/Berry

T - V: Ripple/Scar

W - X: Patch/Stripe(s)

Y - Z: Fang/Spirit

What did you get? I got Webblossom and Webstorm!

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