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Favorite hobby out of these options? (Animal related prefixes.)

Drawing/Painting (Digital counts) - Ferret

Origami - Dove

Photography - Lark

Participating in a(n) (outdoors) sport (one that you would play in school/with others) - Robin

Learning Languages - Moth

Reading Books - Raven

Video Games - Spider

Writing Stories - Perch

Cooking - Minnow

Gardening - Newt

Other - Adder

Favorite hobby out of these options? (cont.)

Singing - song

Dancing - flower

Playing an Instrument - feather

Traveling - flight

Fishing - drop

Blogging - spirit

Birdwatching (or "Bird" Watching) - wing

Other - whisper


I received Ravenwhisper and Spiderwhisper! How about you guys?

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