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might've done this one before, running out of ideas again (':

What is your zodiac sign? [If you don't know either google your birthday date to star sign or just use the other option]

Aries: Tempest

Taurus: Aurora

Gemini: Blizzard

Cancer: Faded/Fading

Leo: Shattered

Libra: Shard

Scorpio: Crystal

Sagittarius: Shimmer/ing

Capricorn: Silent

Aquarius: Hyacinth

Pisces: Ashen

I don't know/Don't like astrology: Wave/Wavering

Don't want to share: Frozen

Are you... 

An introvert: Wish/Flare

An extrovert: Night/River

An ambivert: Dawn/Blaze

I don't know/other: Shade/Gaze

What did you get? I got Shatteredwish! 

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