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From the options on this list, which is your favourite era of music?

1950s: Eel

1960s: Lizard

1970s: Frog

1980s: Toad

1990s: Salmon

2000s: Doe

Current/Modern: Snake

Don't know/None: Crow

I don't like/listen to music: Robin

Mixed: Raven

All: Hawk

Of these 8 music genres, which do you prefer? [I know there's many more but only from this list]

Hip-Hop: Leap/Fall

Rap: Streak/Eye

Pop: Foot/Wish

R&B: Runner/Fur

Rock: Spot(s)/Stream

Alternative: Light/Fin

Electronic: Dusk/Dawn

Lo-fi: Leaf/Stripe(s)

Don't like/listen to music: Heart/Star

Mixed: Tail/Tuft

None: Bright/Ear

All: Wing/Strike

What did you get? I got Salmonfall, Toaddawn and Snakestripes!

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