122 4 20

Yay 50 parts ^^
What superpower would you rather have? (From this list only)

Elemental Bending: Ice/y

Psychic Powers: Silver

Future Vision: Yellow

Teleportation: Dapple/d

Telekenisis: Spotted

Super Speed: Swift

Reality/Space bending: Black

Invisibility: Holly

Flight: Snow/y

Super strength: Gold/en

All: Copper

None/Not interested: Blue

Which of the '3' cats abilities would you rather have?

Jayfeather's dream-walking: Walker/Sky

Lionblaze's invincibility: Claw/Strike

Dovewing's Senses: Nose/Gaze

None of them: Fire/Leaf

What did you get? I got Silverwalker and Swiftsky!

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