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Which of these types of reading do you prefer?

Reading digitally (on any device)/e-books: Drift(ing)

Reading from a paperback/hardcover book (basically just a normal book is what I mean): Pond

Listening to an audiobook: Flint

I'd rather fanfiction/fan works online instead: Condor

All: Acorn

None: Peach

I don't like reading...: Evening

Other: Slate

First letter of the name of the last book you read

I don't remember/know: Foot

A - C: Frost/Night

D - F: Leaf (or Leaves)/Strike

G - I: Whisker/Flight

J - L: Song/Splash

M - P: Mist/Dusk

Q - S: Moss/Spark

T - V: Gust/Feather

W - X: Dust/Streak

Y - Z: Glow/Heart

I still don't like reading: Water(s)/Light

What did you get? I got Acornfeather! 

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