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If you had to live in one of these places (from this list only), which would it be?

A small cosy cottage in the countryside/a small village: Sage/Sap

A large gothic-style mansion at the edge of town: Dew/Honey

Any type of castle: Sorrel/Tansy

An apartment in the city: Rowan/Rapid

A normal house in a town/city outskirts: Newt/Marsh

A tent or caravan to move anywhere with: Fox/Bracken

Meh I hate them all: Cherry/Drift(ing)

Would you prefer a relaxed or busy lifestyle?

Relaxed: Shine/Song

Busy: Breeze/Branch

Somewhere in-between/a mix of both: Fang/Mask

Idk: Blaze/Berry

What did you get? I got Sagefang!

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