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How has your week been so far? (If you're reading this early in the week then just use last week instead lol)

Average: Rain(y)/Pebble

Awesome: Frog/Mud(dy)

Good: Lily/Eel

It's been okay I guess: Pond/Foam

Just a lil on the bad side: Reed/Blue

Boring: Minnow/Gravel

Bad: Newt/Brook

Awful: Ripple/Beetle

Mixed feelings: Koi/River

Other: Algae/Snail

Idk: Willow

How about your year so far? (If you're reading this in something like early January, describe last year instead)

Average: Shadow/Fern

Awesome: Fin/Splash

Good: Glow/Flower

Just okay I guess: Wisp/Speck

Kinda bad: Flash/Whisper

Boring: Dash/Stem

Bad: Leap/Eye(s)

Awful: Stream/Streak

It's had its ups and downs: Heart/Fire

Mixed opinions: Stride/Wish

All of these: Pad/Leaf

Other: Mist/Fur

Idk: Sight

What did you get? I got Foamwisp!

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