68 4 13

Sorry for the fandom specific chapter again, if you don't know/like marvel just pick that option or just pick the prefix/suffix you like best.

Favourite Original Avenger [Marvel Movies]

I don't like/know Marvel/don't watch them: Sweet

Captain America: Eagle

Iron Man: Scarlet

Thor: Lightning

Hulk: Tall

Black Widow: Spider

Hawkeye: Sharp

Favourite from the newer Avengers

I don't like/know Marvel/don't watch them: Cloud/Tail

War Machine: Pool/Whisker

Vision: Feather/Heart

Scarlet Witch: Haze/Flame

Quicksilver: Runner/Wind

Falcon: Wing/Mist

Winter Soldier: Frost/Light

Spider-Man: Petal/Slip

Ant-Man: Berry/Blaze

What did you get? I got Sharpslip and Lightningheart! 

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